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Indiana HB 1271 Circumvents Professional Licensing

January 17, 2019 10:01 AM | Daniel Katz (Administrator)

Indiana State Representative Todd Wesco introduced House Bill 1271 , which would allow individuals to perform professional services without having a state license.  This includes many professions; including Home Inspectors.

The current state licensing process is designed to protect consumers by ensuring that applicants have and maintain minimal education and training required to provide professional services.

The average home is estimated to have over 3000 components and the assessment of its condition requires a great volume of knowledge and experience, which is verified through the licensing process.

The purchase of a new home is, by far, the greatest financial investment that most consumers make.  Consumers rely upon their Home Inspector's knowledge and expertise to ensure they are making an informed purchase.   Allowing individuals to practice, without the checks and balances of the licensure process, is potentially harmful to consumers.

Additionally, the licensure process screens for individuals with violent criminal backgrounds.  Many of the professions that would be affected by this bill include those where the individual provides services in consumers homes, many times without supervision. This presents a safety risk to consumers.

Let your State Representative know how you feel about this bill.

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